Price Overview of 

Office24 Telephone Service 

All prices plus applicable statutory VAT.

Monthly ChargesBasic

Secretary with telephone number and fax number Monday - Friday 6:00am - 6:00pm (including statutory holidays)

** There are additional costs for other and additional numbers

Optional extras

24-Extension: Monday - Sunday, 24h/365 days a year

£19.90 £19.90
Additional UK area code telephone number
Additional secretariat (e.g. for your employees or for call forwarding to other departments of your company) also with native-speaker call answering in English, French, Italian and Spanish (excl. international call number). Already included in the professional tariff.
£7.90 £7.90£7.90
Different land line (initial set-up fee)
Fax number
Personalised voice mailbox
Service charges (pay as you go)

Charge per call answered
Charge per minute of call handling
Surcharge per minute outside the core hours (Monday - Friday 6:00am - 6:00pm)
£0.25 £0.25  £0.25
Surcharge per minute of native speaker call answering (Italian, German, French, Spanish)
£0.25  £0.25
Notification via SMS
£0.14  £0.14  
Notification via email
Forwarding Charges (per started minute)

To landline
£0.06  £0.06£0.06
To mobile

£0.29 £0.29
To Europe and USA
£0.19£0.19 £0.19 
To the rest of the world
£0.79£0.79 £0.79
*Autotariff: The most favourable tariff for this month is determined on the basis of the usage data of the first month and applies for the following months. You can change the tariff at any time in writing for the next billing date.

Price Overview value-added services

Other value added services
Secretarial service (charged per 5 min units)£2.90
Transcription service/minute (overnight)£1.00
Transcription service/minute (3 working days)£0.59
Transcription service/minute (5 working days)£0.39

Price overview for international local numbers

(Extension of your telephone secretariat)

Virtual PA - telephone answering service by native speakers (Italian, German, French)

Different language phone line (Italian, German, French, Spanish) excluding international telephone number£7.90£7.90
Different language phone line (Italian, German, French, Spanish) including international telephone number (Italian, German, French, Spanish)£24.90£24.90
Different land line (initial set-up fee)£20.00£20.00

Questions about the phone service? We are happy to help!